Find 57% Of Women Own Sex Toys

Adam & Eve and, America’s most trusted source for adult products, are never shy when it comes to human sexuality. This month, the results of their annual poll reveal just how many adults own sex toys, and the numbers are higher than you may think.

While 50.77% of those polled reported they own a sex toy, 49.23% said they did not.

Interestingly, when broken down between males and females, the results showed that nearly 57% of the females admitted they owned a sex toy, compared to 44% of the males.

Dr. Jenni Skyler, resident sexologist at Adam & Eve, finds these numbers encouraging. “Year after year, studies show an increase in adults’ acceptance and use of adult toys,” says Skyler. “Toys include vibrators, stimulators, masturbators and more. Whether the focus is on self-care or to enhance a solo or couples’ experience, I’m pleased to see sex toys becoming more mainstream and acknowledged.”

“Adam & Eve carries a wide variety of adult toys for every comfort level,” says Chad Davis, Director of Marketing for Adam & Eve. “The company has been around nearly 50 years, and our most popular items are sex toys. I’d like to think there’s a good reason why!”

The web-based survey, conducted by an independent third party survey company, of over 1,000 American adults age 18 and up, was sponsored by Adam & Eve to study sexual preferences and practices.

For more information about Adam & Eve, visit their website, For additional information on Adam & Eve, please contact Adam & Eve Director of Public Relations Katy Zvolerin at 919.644.8100 x 3121 or



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