
Back-to-School Survey Reveals Safety is Biggest Consideration for Parents when Shopping

In a year full of "new normals," Chicagoan Sharon Glovier continues to readjust her priorities when it comes to shopping for her family. This...

Two-thirds of omnichannel grocery shoppers are shopping with a diet or other health-related program in mind: STUDY

A majority of grocery shoppers who have adopted online shopping (64%) are highly focused on buying products for diets or other health-related programs, either...

Online Grocery Sees Only Slight Growth in New Users in COVID-19 Era, Reinforcing Need for eCommerce Strategy Changes: TABS Analytics Survey

Despite more interest in online shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic, eCommerce grocery saw only a slight uptick in sales from new users this year,...

Parents to Spend Even More on Computers and Desks as Expectations of Online Classes Increase

Most families still don’t know what supplies students need for school and college this year, but more expect at least some classes to take...

Card-Not-Present Debit Transactions Surge in eCommerce, Grocery and Restaurant: PULSE Study

Card-not-present debit transactions surged 21% year-over-year in 2019, according to a new study commissioned by Discover Financial Services’ PULSE® debit network and conducted by Oliver...


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