
Deloitte: Seven Trends Impacting the Retail and Consumer Products Industries Amid a Global Pandemic and Beyond

Over the last 20 years, attempting to predict the future of retail and consumer products has become a rite of passage for many industry...

May Retail Sales Improve Dramatically Over April But Still Below Last Year

Retail sales rose dramatically in May as retailers and other businesses closed by the coronavirus pandemic began to reopen, but remained well below spending...

Apple’s App Store Ecosystem Facilitated Over Half a Trillion Dollars in Commerce in 2019

Apple® today announced the App Store® ecosystem supported $519 billion in billings and sales globally in 2019 alone. The new study, conducted by independent...

3PL Central Releases Special Ecommerce Edition State of the Third-Party Logistics Industry Report

3PL Central, the leader in cloud-based warehouse management systems (WMS) built to meet the unique needs of third-party logistics (3PL) warehouses, today released a Special Ecommerce Edition of its...

New Consumer Study From Kasasa Shows How Consumers Are Spending Money During COVID-19 Pandemic

A new consumer study commissioned by Kasasa® revealed how consumers are paying for purchases during the current coronavirus crisis. The research highlights the top three areas...


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