
eCommerce is Thriving Amid a COVID-Induced “New World”: BGL Consumer Insider

Digital commerce is capturing a growing share of consumer and business-to-business sales, and COVID-19 is accelerating that trend, according to the Consumer Insider, an...

Buy Now, Pay Later Options Drive Increase in E-commerce Sales of Travel Services and Event Tickets

Klarna, a leading global payments and shopping provider, today released new data from its app in the US, indicating that travel services and event...

New Survey Shows Increase in Consumer Spending on Nonessential Luxury Items During COVID-19

In the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic, consumer shopping habits have drastically evolved, but not in the manner many expected. A new national...

What are Consumers Shopping for Online? ViaBill Shares Top 4 Categories

Fintech service provider ViaBill, which partners with thousands of merchants to offer no-interest buy now pay later shopping experiences for consumers, has witnessed an...

April Retail Sales Drop Nearly Twice as Much as March During Coronavirus Pandemic

Retail sales dropped almost twice as much during April as they did in March as the nation’s economy saw its first full month when...


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