E-Complish Gets Behind ‘Greenlight a Vet’ Veteran Support Campaign

E-Complish, a provider of customized payment processing solutions, has announced its participation in the Greenlight A Vet campaign. The campaign is an initiative established by retail giant Walmart Inc. to demonstrate visible national support for veterans inside and outside American homes and businesses through simple gestures, such as changing one light bulb to green (“greenlighting”) and allowing it to burn day and night on Veterans Day as well as year-round.

Walmart created Greenlight A Vet to counteract a feeling of increased invisibility commonly experienced by veterans when they return home from service and as they transition to civilian life. It is the retailer’s hope that the sight of the “green light of support” seen indoors or outdoors will lead to a national conversation regarding the treatment and recognition of veterans and “greenlight” them forward as valued members of their communities.

“We at E-Complish believe that all veterans deserve recognition and support from the entire nation, not just for Veterans Day every November, but throughout the year,” said Stephen Price, E-Complish’s president, and CEO. “That’s why we are participating in the campaign going forward. We urge our clients to do so as well, and we hope that they will encourage the same of their own customers.”

In addition to burning a green light bulb, businesses and consumers can demonstrate their support for veterans by taking a photograph of their green light and uploading the photo with the hashtag #greenlightavet. They can also add their light to a map and a green tint to their Facebook profile photo.

A Campaign Guide, available here, provides specific instructions for businesses to follow as they join Greenlight A Vet. The guide features a brand toolkit highlighting the specific logo formats, colors, fonts, verbiage, and photography style that should be used in participating in the campaign. Instructions for developing Facebook and Twitter posts about Greenlight A Vet, as well as for creating advertisements that communicate business’ participation in the campaign, are featured in the Campaign Guide as well.

“With so many resources to make joining the Greenlight A Vet initiative so easy—and given U.S. veterans’ invaluable contributions to their country—there is every reason to get behind it,” Price stated. “We’re excited to be a part of it.”



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