Proximity Systems and ENS Group Announce Partnership in the Development of Self-Disinfecting Retail Point of Interaction Products

Proximity Systems and ENS Group announce a collaborative partnership in the development of self-disinfecting point of sale (POS) products. The innovative solution leverages Proximity’s next-generation UVC disinfection technology, UV-CLEAN, combined with ENS’s tablet, kiosk, payment terminal, self checkout and POS solutions. 

Proximity VP OEM Sales, John Deutsch, explains they have engaged with ENS as their primary partner for UV-CLEAN technology in the POS and retail environments. 

“I’m very enthusiastic about the opportunity to partner with ENS as we expand UV-CLEAN into new markets,” explained Deutsch. “We really believe in the combination of our thorough understanding of UVC disinfection and ENS’ unmatched reputation for developing innovative, unique solutions across all industries.”

While disinfection is a hot topic in the healthcare industry, with more than 1.7 million cases of healthcare associated infections (HAIs) in hospitals each year, high touch public surfaces are also a source for dangerous, infection-causing bacteria. The conversation is expanding to the cleanliness of these other public surfaces, like payment terminals, mobile payment tablets, touchscreen devices and self-service kiosks—all which have become an integral part of daily lives. 

Recent studies have proven more needs to be done to protect individuals from germs on high touch public surfaces. Studies conducted in common public places like grocery stores, airports, restaurants, pharmacies and healthcare facilities, demonstrate people are at risk of exposure to harmful bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus (MRSA), Proteus, Bacillus, E Coli, C difficile, Klebsiella and Listeria. 

“By utilizing the products we’re developing with ENS that leverage our UV-CLEAN technology, retailers will show customers and employees they care about their wellbeing,” said Deutsch. “They will be providing the end-user customer a healthier experience while supporting employees’ health and helping reduce sick days.”

ENS Group President, Joe Mach, explained, “Retailers are focused on enhancing their customers experience by crafting a digital interaction. Over eight hundred million is spent annually by retailers on touchscreen technology. As we focus on the retail experience, we also have to ensure the safety and health of customers and store employees. UV-CLEAN uniquely balances the customer experience with wellbeing.” 

Coupled with ENS-designed innovative solutions, Proximity’s automated UVC disinfection will support technology optimization while eliminating germs from high touch surfaces. 

Proximity CEO, Jeremy Goza, explained, “The clinical study and NSF International testing validated what we already knew about our product, that UV-CLEAN technology is effective at killing harmful pathogens found on high touch surfaces. We’re hoping retailers are just as excited about this innovation as we are, since our UVC disinfection technology will provide employees and customers peace of mind.”



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