Ready Launches Virtual Kiosks for Safe On-Premise Pick-up Food Ordering

Ready, a financial technology company that offers seamless self-pay and food ordering solutions to hospitality venues across North America, launches its “virtual ordering kiosks” to businesses that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, waiving its standard fees until June 1 so the venue will pay no extra than the cost of the transaction to continue to operate. This technology allows restaurants to shift to a contactless on-premise pick-up ordering model, supporting the safety of the community and allowing businesses to remain operational.

“The safety of the public and restaurant staff is our top priority as we support social distancing to help flatten the curve of COVID-19,” said Laurent May, Head of Ready. “We understand that in trying times such as these, businesses need to adapt to keep operations running with safety top of mind. Our virtual ordering kiosks allow restaurants to remain in business when they need it most while aligning with these priorities. We are prepared and ready to assist, with the team working around the clock, as we know speed is paramount for restaurants right now.”

Ready is an app free mobile platform that enables diners to connect directly to a restaurant menu on their mobile device to pre-order or order for immediate pick-up at supported locations. There is no download or sign-up required for users, and no hardware, kiosks or additional labor required for restaurant owners, allowing restaurants to quickly and easily implement this technology.

“We recognize the challenges facing the industry right now and our hope is that our technology can help venues safely remain operational,” said May. “Communities are built on small businesses, and we hope to help foster the support of local businesses from their residents.”

Virtual kiosks move the ordering and payment capabilities from a standalone POS device, tablet or kiosk to a user’s phone, creating an adaptable model for all restaurant types. Through window decals, pedestal menus, and poster signage, restaurant-goers can access a restaurant’s menu, order, and pay with their preset payment methods (Apple Pay, Google Pay, credit cards), through their own device with no additional fees. Ready can assist with safe on-premise pick-up from a designated pick-up zone or can help restaurants with parking to turn their parking lot into a zone for in-car ordering and drop-off.



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