Revionics and Conrad Electronics to Co-Present at EHI Retail Institute Conference in Germany on the Value of AI Pricing in Retail

Revionics, Inc., a leading provider of AI science-based pricing and promotions, announced today that Ales Drabek, Chief Digital and Disruption Officer at Conrad Electronic SE, and Anastasia Laska, Vice President of Business Development and Partner Alliances at Revionics, will be co-presenting at the EHI Retail Institute Conference, which will focus on Artificial Intelligence and Analytics, 2 October 2019, in Cologne, Germany.

With AI changing the retail landscape, it’s becoming a “must have” for retailers to have AI-based price and promotion solutions. But the reality exposes significant gaps between retailers’ beliefs and practices. While relatively few retailers leverage AI-based pricing today, a Revionics-commissioned Forrester global study found that 76% of retailers believe AI-driven pricing would have a positive impact on shoppers.i

The presentation will cover:

  • As a leading price optimization solution provider, Revionics has been applying AI and data science for 20+ years for retail price, promotions and markdowns, so why is it now becoming absolutely imperative and no longer just an option to leverage AI and data science in retail technologies?
  • Based on proven global retailer experiences, how can retailers leverage data science to maximize financial performance while increasing consumer loyalty?
  • What are the important differentiators of a mature and effective AI solution?
  • Hear the real-world success story of Conrad Electronic



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